Executive Life Coaching Atlanta Style
Just what can you do right here as well as now? In my work as an executive life coach based in Atlanta, GA, I coach people on a daily basis to help them live out their wildest passions. Those aspirations could be around health, professional, travel and in service to others.
Just what can you do right here and now? Let Will Smith, the actor, producer help us in this process.httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeB-AkTH8YQ . In the video Will Smith speaks very openly about life and living on your own terms. It takes a lot of courage and internal work to move beyond the fear of failure and move into conquering fears. I coach people on a daily basis to help them live out their wildest passions. Those aspirations could be around health, your business, traveling or being of service to others.
In my talks with others, they have wonderful ideas and plans. Some might jump at the chance to create the amazing novel or get in shape for the marathon. And also some want to be tie the knot, say I do, or find a life partner.
Today we can still dream. For some of us, they just don’t fit into our paradigm. At the end of the day, we need to feel connected and to realize they matter on this planet. I say to my clients, ok, let’s move and get started and let us collectively unpack much of what has actually just been put on the table and also what comes out always amazes me.
What follows are questions pertaining to your life’s passions. I’m at a loss for words, not by the question, yet what commonly comes up doing the discovery of passions. I believe we all have this question inside of us which makes us wonder occasionally if we are doing all we may do in our lives.
However, just what drives these internal concerns are instabilities and uncertainty. We at times have problems with moving forward because of the grasp or the stronghold of deep rooted beliefs about ourselves. In order to move forward you have to tackle your self-talk as well as your belief system.
Many of us speak ourselves out of our dreams. “I’m too old to start over.” “I’m not qualified.” “I’m silly to think this can be; I cannot easily leave my job and go after a business dream.”
We literally speak our own selves away from what we have been called to do. I respond by saying, you may not pay to bet small any longer. It is time to play BIG for once in your life. You have work to do and I’m here to help you. You can do it !!
If you are nodding yes as you check out this article and the musings on this site, it is time to Power Up. You have the ability within you to be more of who you are on this day. Just how do you do it you ask?
- Do not dread.
- Walk within the moment.
- Have an end in your head.
- Jot it down.
- Imagine it; make it genuine in your creative imagination.
- Inform the truth.
- No, is not a possibility
We at I Speak Life Coaching know to a couple of you this may appear simplified, however, who said to you it had to be hard. It is challenging because you made it difficult. You do not need to make things more difficult.
You do not need to receive agreement from others. You just need to show up as well as realize when you show up all the necessary tools are there to support your dreams coming to life.
The next time you are strolling around and pondering, “what can I do right here and also right now?” begin with this – refute to fall short!
Refuse to fall short! This might scare you; you may have to make some modifications. You have to ask for help and be open as well as it could also mean saying goodbye to your pride and also what others might be saying or you.
My friends, it doesn’t matter because I refuse to fail.